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Top 11 Instagram Accounts to follow in the Built Environment

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Ronaldo, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez… joking you haven’t heard of the last one; celebs having millions of followers, metrosexual men with filters, influencers in Dubai and oh… the 'Bernie Sanders' memes! But, has Instagram got more to offer than just the above…? Of course!

We spent the last six months searching, posting, talking and engaging with some ‘pretty’ cool Instagram accounts. It’s now evident that the Built Environment sector has upped its game (Finally!). Let’s be honest the industry has been pretty slow in adopting new things... but as the world moves forward, it's evident that it's being digitised and disrupted through some pretty awesome technologies. We all need to get with the times... yes i'm talking about you BABY BOOMERS!

Did you know that Instagram is the 6th most visited website in the world, it has over 1 billion users and it’s only 10 years old? Right, so it makes sense, the reason why most construction projects are failing is because workers are 'dilly dallying' on Instagram. (Joking… most projects are just under resourced or the wrong resources full stop - blame the RFP). Whether you’re bored at work, want to get some inspiration, copy your competitors design or simply keep up with the Kardashians (sorry I mean news), there’s a selection of Built Environment Instagram Influencers for you to check out:

1. Marcus Fairs - Dezeen

Marcus Fairs is the editor-in-chief and founder of Dezeen. Among the digital journalists, he was the first to be awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He was named as one of the 1,000 most influential people in the world by the Evening Standard in 2018. With over 2.9 million followers on Instagram, Dezeen’s posts reflect not only stunning architecture, but also a roadmap to high tech interiors and technology along with it’s interesting documentaries.

Follow @dezeen


2. Architectural Digest

This International Design Authority has about 7.3 million followers on it's Instagram, showcasing breath-taking interiors - a spectacular mix of conventional and contemporary styles. Whether you want to follow celebs or their dream properties and assets, arch digest covers it all for you. Be it the glamorous tennis star Serena William’s Miami home or the Manhattan home of Ashley Stark , the creative director of StarkCarpet and an influencer, you’ll see it all and more.

 Follow @archdigest


3. Times Property

The Times Property provides you a chance to experience lust-worthy homes, great design tips and the finest interior inspirations. You’ll also come across some weird designs that only appear on ‘homes under the hammer’. If you can’t find the sink you’re looking for on Bargain Hunters follow Times Property:

Follow @timesproperty

4. Christine Williams - Building Science Fight Club

It’s right to call Christine Williams a technical design enthusiast who offers specialist consultancy services to architects, developers and contractors. She offers a plethora of knowledge, tips and ideas related to building science and construction. She’s quirky, cool and modern. Very bold, yet informative. I wish she created content for the RICS APC, and make studying less boring... one day!

Follow @buildingscinecfightclub

5. Civil Engineering Discoveries

It seems bizarre to believe the content of a construction-related page can be soo damn funny, isn’t it? Well Civil Engineering Discoveries is working to surprise you with its humorous, interactive and engaging content. Check out their YouTube channel and follow them to stay motivated whilst having a laugh.

Follow @civilengineeringdiscoveries

6. Blaze threads

Be prepared to be wowed by the glut of information that Blaze threads gives you through its podcast, tool demos, weekly tips and much more. The content is so intriguing that you won’t feel like peeling your eyes off the screen. Blaze threads is setting an example for other pages, particularly when it comes to design. They’re based in Africa and really putting Construction, Engineering and Design on the map. Watch out for these guys….they're going places.

Follow @blazethreads

7. Arch Daily:

When you visit the Arch Daily’s website or the Instagram page, you feel absolutely awed with every thumb scroll. Their content is literally jaw dropping, every picture is like “wow, wow, wow…" and i'm not talking about the number of likes, totally justifying the fact it is the world’s most visited architectural page. The content is diverse with exciting; quizzes, open mic events, insightful articles, industry trends and products. Oh phew! There’s a lot there for you to check out.

Follow @archdaily

8. Construction Memes :

Listen, we all got to laugh! In the same way investors and pen pushers come to construction sites with their Hermes ties, UGG like site boots and Dior hard hats. If you prefer a porter cabin, coffee mate milk and a calendar from ‘’Only fans’… you’ll like this! Don’t even think twice, follow Construction Memes’ Insta page now. If you’re having a bad day or your project is going down the pan this will cheer you up... 100%!

Follow @constructionmemes

9. Architect and Design

Architect and Design with its abundant content in the forms of reels, IGTVs, posts and stories will make you tingle with curiosity every time you're online. They’ve got soo much in store for you, whether it is facts, design concepts, fun quizzes or motivational quotes. Architect or not, their posts will not fail to impress you.

Follow @architectanddesign

10. Autodesk

3D printing, automation, augmented reality… Autodesk has definitely done well in capturing the attention of the ‘digital geek’. If you’re a BIM manager than yes… we mean you! Autodesk builds software that helps people imagine, design, and make a better world. Their software is used commercially across construction projects. I’m sure most of you have heard of AutoCAD, Revit, BIM360 and much recently Plan Grid! Yep! They are responsible for all of this plus more! If you haven’t heard of these tools then either you’re in the wrong business, or work in finance.

Follow @autodesk

11. WorkPanda

It’s us at last, it would be rude not feature us considering we wrote this - "taa daa" welcome to the world of  WorkPanda. We know you love us, just admit it! Joking.... We’re tired of jobseekers plastering LinkedIn, bouncing from Indeed to Monster, getting harassed by recruiters with no socks and everything else that comes with it. We also empathise with hiring managers who have paper cuts from parsing resume, filling up ink cartridges from the paperwork and being shouted at by their director because the last QS was putting biscuits on the BoQ. Well, we’ve created a solution that solves that and what better way to explore this is through the range of content; advice focus, technical, informative and foremost interactive.

Follow @workpandahq

Be more social

To be honest, the list of the influencers who are worth following can go on and on. However, we wanted to give you a head start to the accounts we believe will add value. The industry is changing, and we’re here to make a difference. Please like, share and comment on our articles. Every little helps!